Q: What is psychotherapy?

A: Psychotherapy is the practice of spending time with a mental health professional who is trained in diagnosing and treating mental, emotional, and behavioral problems. At the center is the caring relationship between a therapist and a client. Therapy provides the unique opportunity to learn about oneself and to make changes that will allow you to live a more happy, harmonious and satisfying life.

Q: What kind of psychotherapy do you offer?

A: Our approach is based on a strong humanistic foundation. Humanistic psychology tends to look beyond the medical model of psychology in order to see each person as greater than his or her problem(s). Our goal is to help you make changes in your life that are consistent with who you are. Depending on your needs, however, we also use many cognitive behavioral, dialectical and psychodynamic approaches in order to facilitate change. For example, we may teach clients specific skills to deal more effectively with their anxiety or depression using cognitive behavioral techniques, or we may help my clients to resolve childhood issues using some psychodynamic approaches.

Q: What can I expect during my first therapy session?

A: For your first session, you will be asked to complete several intake forms and questionnaires through out online system. The intake questionnaire inquires about your background and presenting problem and the consent form explains our office policies and procedures, as well as the limits of confidentiality. During your first meeting, your therapist will discuss the consent form with you and answer any questions that you may have about the documents or about therapy in general. Afterwards we will conduct an assessment where you will be asked to describe your concerns (e.g., depression, anxiety, relationship issues, etc.) and some of your background information (i.e., history of your concerns, personal relationships, family relationships, school/work history, etc.).

Q: How long is each therapy sessions?

A: Most sessions will be scheduled for 45-60 minutes. Some sessions may last up to 75 minutes, depending on the need and what your insurance will approve.

Q: How long until I feel better? Do I have to come every week for therapy?

A: Some people are able to better understand and partially resolve their problems or reduce their symptoms in a few sessions, while others may need to attend therapy for longer periods of time. Generally, clients come to therapy on a weekly basis. In some situations, clients may need to be seen more or less often. As in most of life, there are no guarantees that therapy will actually make you feel better. Sometimes you might leave your session feeling worse since you may be dealing with some rather painful issues. Your personal situation, goals and needs will partially determine how often you schedule appointments and length of treatment.

Q: What do we do during therapy?

A: Between us our goal will be to create a therapeutic environment that allows each client to reach his or her potential. Clients generally share their concerns and worries and together we find solutions to their problems.

Q: Which health insurance companies do you work with and should I use my insurance?

A: We accept most major health insurances plans. When using your health insurance to pay for your therapy sessions, certain personal information, such as your diagnosis and progress in therapy, must be shared with your insurance carrier. Therefore before deciding if using your insurance is in your best interest, please consider (1) the purpose of your therapy and (2) how comfortable you are with the amount of information that may be shared.

Q: Do you prescribe medication?

A: No. The majority of clinical psychologists do not prescribe medication. Medication is generally prescribed only by medical personnel, such as general practitioners and psychiatrists.

Q: What if I need medication?

A: If it is determined that your condition could be further improved with medication, we can provide you with a referral to a psychiatrist or you can obtain a referral through your insurance company.

Q: Do you provide phone or internet-based therapy?

A: We have seen that therapy works well whether the client and therapist are in the same room or working together via teletherapy. The Covid-19 pandemic has moved our practice completely online until further notice. Many clients that had challenges attending office appointments (such as being able to leave work on time, having a sick child at home, or needing to transport children to activities) are now able to access our remote services with ease.

Q: What happens if I am unable to attend my appointment?

A: If you are unable to attend your appointment, please give at least 24 hours advanced notice. If less notice is given, you will be billed for your scheduled time. Insurance will not pay for missed or cancelled appointments.

Q: When do I have to pay for my appointments?

A: You will be expected to pay for your appointment before each therapy session. Fees may be paid via cash, check or credit card.

If any of your questions remained unanswered or you would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact Dr. Wutzke at drtracywutzke@gmail.com